Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kluender/ Art 78

I'm so excited to take back my Art 78 students! We have had two great projects with our student teacher, Mrs. Didlake, but I'm ready to get to work with my classes again :)

I'm getting all set up for our next project....CLAY! Students will be creating a slab tile and applying the image of the celebrity that inspired them using a SGRAFFITO (scratching) technique. 

After our tiles are bisque fired, we will apply black underglaze to "age" the tile, colored underglazes to add color, and clear glaze to add a shiny finish!

Can't wait to see the final product. I'll try to remember to keep the blog up-to-date with studio pics, even if it is hard to snap photos with clay covered hands ;)

Stay tuned....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Art 8

Today was installation day for B4 block! 

We have a variety of conceptual pieces, including an interactive weaving piece.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Art 8

Today was A3 installation day for the Jeanne-Claude and Christo inspired project! 

Thank goodness we had lovely weather, even if it was very windy.

Students had a great time seeing their vision "realized" after such preparation.

Kluender/ Didlake Art 78

Art 78 students are continuing to work on their Amate Bark Paintings this week. 

After they are done painting, they will neaten up any messy Sharpie lines before completing a critique sheet  and turning it in to be graded.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Art 78

Today, Art 78 students began painting their Amate bark paintings. Students made their own paper using recycled pulp. Then, they created landscapes reminiscent of traditional bark painting scenes, depicting personal life events. 

Mrs. Didlake discussed characteristics of these paintings including stacked objects, many objects and characters placed closely together, unusual size relationships, bright or unrealistic colors, black outlines, repeated borders and leaving some paper unpainted.

Students included lots of personal imagery.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Computer Art 78

CA78 Students spent the block creating lovely paint textures over their background paintings. 
Next week, we will be doing an image transfer of their selfie photos over this painted background.

We made quite a mess, but had a blast.

We used texture plates, stamps, stencils, bubble wrap and brushes to create the textures.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Art 8

Today, Art 8 began manipulating their materials for their installation piece inspired by conceptual artists, Jeanne Claude and Christo.
Next week, students will be installing their conceptual pieces. Let's hope for great weather and stay tuned for photos.
Students have been encouraged to take photos along the way and post them to Instagram using the hashtag #sjmsart. If you get a chance, look us up :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Art Guild Meeting

Art Guild met today for our monthly meeting! We used Never Dull (a silver polish) and magazines to create works of art.
Check out these student examples.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Kluender/ Didlake Art 78

Art 78 students have finished up their skull masks with Mrs. Didlake and are now beginning Amate Bark Painting! Today, students began making paper from recycled paper bags. 

The pulp was made with paper bags and a blender. Students used screens to sift out paper pulp and sponges to remove any excess water. 

Once the paper is the desired size, it will be left to dry. The finished paper will be used as a base for a painting later....Stay tuned!