Friday, December 16, 2016

That's a wrap! Goodbye to 2016, I'll soon see you in 2017 with fresh new creative ideas! Happy holidays!!!! Mrs. Kluender

Monday, December 12, 2016

Kluender- Art 7/8 A4 block

A4 block is finishing up adding glaze to their ceramic pieces! They will look very different after being fired in the kiln. Glaze is a type of ceramic "paint" that adds color to a ceramic piece.

Kluender- A3 Art 7/8

We learned all about oil pastels today! Students have created enlarged animal eye drawings using chalk on colored paper. Then, they began using the oil pastel techniques to add color.

We learned about mixing and blending and adding value and texture using scumbling, hatching, crosshatching, and stippling. 

An example of our sketchbook work^

Friday, December 2, 2016

Kluender- Art 8 B4 block

Printing, printing, printing! Our Linoleum Reduction prints will be done very soon!!!!!! Stay tuned for finished images...we are very excited!

Kluender-Art 8 A2 block

Craving, Carving, Carving.... Students began their last carving for the linoleum reduction prints!

Kluender- A3 Ceramics

A3 block is working on finishing up their ceramic selfies!

Look at all that texture!